Cortical Information Processing in Mild Cognitive Impairment

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Proposal summary page

Proposal full title

Cortical Information Processing in Mild Cognitive Impairment

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Strategic objectives

LSH-2005-2.1.3-3:  Cortical information processing

Proposal abstract  

The aim of the project CIP-MCI is the design of a strategy for new insights in Cortical Information Processes (CIP) especially in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer Disease (AD). The field of aging and dementia is focusing on the characterization of the earliest stages of cognitive impairment. Recent research has identified a transitional state between the cognitive changes of normal aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). AD is a progressive, irreversible brain disorder with no known cause or cure. It is estimated that there are currently 18 million people worldwide with AD. This figure is projected to nearly double by 2025 to 34 million people.

The strategy of the R&D-activities in CIP-MCI is designed as Holistic Approach and is developed from signals, signal acquisition, classification, and recognition in to knowledge, designed as communicative system, acquiring the knowledge from patients and the leading experts for the recognition of the function and dysfunction of CIP in MCI. The research activities are designed from the molecular, cellular and genetic level (WP2 MG), animal models (WP3 AM) up to clinical research activities (WP4 CA) and publications especially in a Virtual Magazine (WP5 P). These activities are integrated in time and space across Europe and the world by innovative information and communication technologies. Evolutionary computer systems are the model for simulation of CIP and the design of Computer Aided Solutions for Intelligence Amplification (WP6 CS). Knowledge and technology transfer is one important goal of the project (WP7 ED).

The consortium has 7 partners from 6 countries, including two from Israel. One partner is a high-ranked university, three are international and established institutes with experience in health care, one is a clinic. Two partners are SME’s in the field of information and communication technologies as developers and driving force for dissemination and exploitation activities.
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