Cortical Information Processing in Mild Cognitive Impairment

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B.1 Scientific and technological objectives of the project and state of the art

B1.1. Information, Information Processes and Communication

“Cognitive abilities (and disabilities) are functional properties of the individual that are not directly observed but instead are inferred from … behavior ….

The four major classes of cognitive functions have their analogues in the computer operations of input, storage, processing (e.g. sorting, combining, relating data in various ways), and output.” /M. D. Lezak 2004, 32, p 19-20/.

It is surprising, that a scientist in a book on Neuropsychological Assessment uses the example of computers to describe the cognitive functions.

The statement of Norbert Wiener define the direction:

“Information is Information, not matter or energy” /N. Wiener 1948, 31/

e.g. information is crated by creatures in a creative process. Information is subjective and can disappear in contrast to matter and energy.

Simplest natural systems as the Bacterium Acinetobacter spec. are able to recognise the O2-content in the wastewater in fuzzy manner and change the behavior for survival. No human being is able to realise such task.

Planck's constant is used to describe minimal quantisation (h = 4.135 667 43 x 10 –15 eV s)

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that one cannot assign with full precision values for certain pairs of observable variables as the position and momentum of a single object at the same time. These physical restrictions give hints for the possible problems in IP. The development of IP and C in time is presented in Fig. B1-1 /ICS1/.




Information Processes IP


Communication C

matter and energy



+ first living systems as simplest cells


IP as changes of the inner state and simple reactions


+ first brain


+ IP as dynamic changes of matter and energy as carrier of information


+ C by using body languages,

- primitive languages,

- spoken languages,

+ technical systems


+ IP for static and long duration imprint of information


+ C by written and printed information

+ computer systems


+ storage, processing and worldwide transmission of information by computer systems.


+ worldwide C for understanding & knowledge transfer by using programming languages, descriptive languages and natural languages.


Fig. B1-1: Development of Information Processes and Communications

In the beginning was only matter and energy, no Information Processes, no Information and no Communication. Now we are using Evolutionary Computer Systems for Intelligence Amplification.

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