Hereditary Hybrid Societies

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B1.2 Research Objectives and Challenges

Inheritance is a sophisticated property of nature. It is the accumulated transfer of properties, knowledge and experiences through the centuries. An IT counterpart appears through the nowadays Internet, Grid and other constituents of a novel mixed and complex human-machine Ambient Intelligence (AmI)[1]. Two layers of scientific problems appear:

P1: The first problem is defined by E. Niedermeyer: “This work led us into a ‘brave new world’ of EEG computerisation and, as early as in 1967, we were told that customary EEG reading would soon be a thing of the past, replaced by a fully automatic EEG interpretation. ... It was found that EEG is by far too complex for such automation. Its interpretation requires that wonderful computer that is located between the ears.” /39 p. 12/. This “wonderful computer that is located between the ears” is able for signal recognition, understanding, reasoning and gather and distribute knowledge in excellent manner. However the customary EEG reading is only possible by excellent technical support.

Are we able and what must we do, to realise such sophisticated task as intelligent patient monitoring and support of disabled persons by technical systems, by the design and application of innovative ICT?

The existing algorithmic solutions, - the base components of all applied systems, never before were oriented to knowledge acquisition and accumulation, uncertainties, and dynamic information treatment as an interrelated set of requirements. The new conditions face with novel algorithmic problems in addition to those, known and hard mathematically: is a problem ever computable, having an approximate solution, which is the resource lower estimate for a computation?

P2: The second problem is defined by F.Crick: “The great advantage of the EEG is that its discrimination in time is rather good, in the range of a millisecond or so. Thus the rising and falling of the brain waves can be followed rather well. What is ness clear is what the waves signify.”/32, p 111/. The function and structure of the human brain is excellent, however nobody know the function in the inner details from signal to understanding and reasoning. The evaluation is only possible by the evaluation of the outcome, the language as body language and reactions and as most important: the understanding of language. The language is the universal and most important tool for knowledge transfer, teaching and learning.

But we have an excellent model: computer systems!

We have designed and understand each detail of the structure and function in the digital world, however we came back to problem one!

[1] http://www.cordis.lu/ist/istag.htm

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