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Dr. Eng.Antonio Dimiccoli

L.E.M. S.r.l

Via Caduti di Melissa

4033 Casaleccio di Reno


T.: +39 051 66 60

Fax: +39 051 57 12 40



B4.1.3 LEM: L.E.M. R.r.l

The activity by L.E.M. S.r.l. consist in design and testing electric and electronic apparatuses.

The  supported activities by L.E.M. Srl are as follows:

The LEM Research Lab. is able to achieve project designs in hardware – software and firmware for products and product processes in electro mechanic, electronic, biomedical, communications and environment manufacturing industries.

L.E.M. has achieved high technological medical devices for diagnosis and monitoring in collaboration with distinguished Physicians from the Faculty of Medicine University in Bologna. These devices are addressed to both Italian and foreign hospitals.

CV of the key person Dr. Eng. Antonio Dimiccoli

Engineer Profession Habilitation in 2003. Academic reference of Doctor in Telecommunication Engineer degree in 2003.

Since 2004 L.E.M. Srl's Manager of the Research and Development Laboratory coordinates activities  designing and developing projects in electronic and biomedical field. The manager updates and informs the General Direction on the recourses needed to acquire new technologies; finally the manager keeps contact and the communications with the clients during the course of an order.
Hardware Software and Firmware designer for electronic devices with micro-controller chip by CAD. He has participated and completed the Hardware design of the computerized TAG-XP device for the ablation of tumor tissues by radio frequency. Inside the same project he analyzed software achieving the last revision of LabVIEW software to control the radio frequency generator, the acquisition of the data and temperature measures and tissue impedances for elaboration.

Since 2003 LEM's R&D Laboratory Technician has developed in the biomedical field Visual Basic software for portable devices to monitor in real time gastroesofageo pH variations.
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