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1. I. Foster, C. Kesselman, J. Nick, S. Tuecke, “The Physiology of the Grid: An Open Grid Services Architecture for Distributed Systems Integration”, at Open Grid Service Infrastructure WG, Global Grid Forum, June 22, 2002. Available at: http://www.globus.org/research/papers/ogsa.pdf, 2002

2. O.F. Rana, D. Bunford-Jones, D.W.Walker, M. Addis, M. Surridge, and K. Hawick, “ResourceDiscovery for Dynamic Clusters in Computational Grids”, Procs.of Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, at IPPS/SPDP, San Francisco, 2001.

3. B. Di Martino, O. Rana, “Grid Performance and Resource Management using Mobile Agents”, in: V. Getov et al. (Eds.), “Performance Analysis and Grid Computing”, pp. 251-264, Kluwer, Oct. 2003

4. K. Czajkowski, S. Fitzgerald, I. Foster, C. Kesselman, “Grid Information Services for Distributed Resource Sharing”, Procs. Tenth IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-10), August 2001.

5. R. Raman, M. Livny, M. Solomon, “Matchmaking: Distributed Resource Management for High Throughput Computing”, in Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, 1998.

6. C. Liu, L. Yang, I. Foster, and D. Angulo, “Design and Evaluation of a Resource Selection Framework for Grid Applications”, Procs.IEEE Intern’l Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-11), Edinburgh, 2002

7. C. Georgousopolous and O.F. Rana, “Combining state and model based approaches for mobile-agent load balancing”, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Florida, March 2003.

8. O. Tomarchio, L. Vita, and A. Puliafito, “Active Monitoring in Grid Environments using Mobile Agent Technology”, in Workshop on Active Middleware Services (AMS) at HPDC-9, Pittsburg, USA, 2000.

9.  T. B. Suresh. “A multi-agent approach to distributed computing”. In A. Press, editor, Third International Conference on Autonomous Agents AA99, Mineapolis, Washington, USA, May 1999.

10. D. T. N. Ghanea-Hercock. “Co-operating mobile agents for distributed parallel processing”. In A. Press, editor, Third International Conference on Autonomous Agents AA99, Mineapolis, USA, May 1999.

11.  M. Schroeder. “Information agents on the move: A survey on load-balancing with mobile agents”. Software Focus, 2(2):31–36, 2001.

12. J. Overeinder, E. Wijngaards. “Multi-agent support for internet-scale grid management”. In AISB’02 Symposium on AI and Grid Computing, pages 18– 22, London, UK, April 2002.

13. B. Suri Niranyan. “While you’re away: A system for load-balancing and resource based on mobile agents”. In R. Buyya, editor, 1st IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Brisbane, Australia, 2001. IEEE CS Press.

14. M. Thompson. “Characterizing the agent grid”. Technical report, Object Services and Consulting, Inc., June 1999.

15. A. Tveit. “jfipa - an architecture for agent-based grid computing”. In AISB’02 Convention, Symposium on AI and Grid Computing, London, United Kingdom, April 2001.

16. O. F. Rana. D. W. Walker. „The agent grid: Agent-based resource integration in PSEs”. In 16th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computing, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2000.

17. A. Baratloo, M. Karaul. „Charlotte:Metacomputing on the web”. In 9th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing systems, Dijon, France, September 1996.

18. A. Z. Dario Bruneo, Mirko Guarnera and A. Puliafito. “A grid-based architecture for multimedia services management”. In Annual Crossgrid Project Workshop, 1st European Across Grids Conference, 2003.

19. G. Junwei Cao. „High performance services discovery in large-scale multi agent an mobile-agent systems”. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2(5):621–641, 2001.

20. R.Aversa, B. Di Martino, N. Mazzocca, S.Venticinque, “MAGDA: a software environment for MobileAGent based Distributed Applications”, Proc. of .11th Int. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Feb. 2003, Genova, Italy.

21. The Thematic Priority, Information Society Technologies, Work Programme, Second Update, IST WP 2005-06, Version to ISTC on July 1 2004, http://www.cordis.lu/ist.

22. E. Cristian; et al.: Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1, W3C, Note 15, 2001. www.w3.org/TR/wsdl.

23. Karl Czajkowski; Ian Forster; Carl Kesselman: Resource and Service Management [6, p. 259 - 283].

24. Wilfried Elmenreich, J. Tenreiro Machado, Imre J. Rudas (Eds.): Intelligent Systems at the Service of Mankind, Volume I, November 2003, 2004, ISBN 3-935798-25-3.

25. Ian Forster; Carl Kesselman (Eds.): The Grid : Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure. Elsevier 2004. ISBN 1-55860-933-4.

26. Ian Forster; Carl Kesselman: Concepts and Architecture. [5, p. 121- 134].

27. Ian Forster; Carl Kesselman: Steven Tuecke: The Open Grid Services Architecture. [5, p.215 - 257].

28. Carol Goble et all: Enhancing Services and Applications with Knowledge and Semantics. [5, p. 431 – 458].

29. S. Staab, R. Studer: Handbook on Ontologies – International Handbooks on Information Systems. Springer 2004.

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37. T. Kohonen, E. Oja: Computing with neural network. Science 235 (1987), 1227.

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40. G. Pogrzeba, D. Emde: Heterogene Multiprozessorsysteme. Fuzzy-Logic, Transputer und Numbercruncher gemeinsam an Bord. Elektronik 21/1991.

41. G. Pogrzeba, D. Emde, F. Neubauer: Heterogene Multiprozessorsysteme. Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Neue Systemarchitekturen, H. 164, März 1992, Forkel Verlag.

42. A. Remond, N. Lesevre: Variations in average visual evoked potentials as a function of the alpha rhythm phase (“Autostimulation”). In W. Cobb, C. Morocutti: The evoced potentials. Electroenceph. clin, Neurophysil., Elsevier, Amsterdam, Suppl. 26 (1967), 43-52.

43. G. Roscher, N. Roth: Methodological demands and technical requirements for an effective control of psychophysilogical experiments. In: P. Kneppo, I. Horsky, I. Krekule (Eds.): Proceedings of the 4th IMEKO Conference “Advances in Biomedical Measurements”, Bratislava 1987, 294, 294-301.

44. G. Roscher: Patent DD 294 630 Verfahren und Schaltungsanrodnung zur schritthaltenden Analyse der elektrischen Aktivitäten des Gehirns. Deutsches Patentamt DD A 61 B / 340 920 0 vom 23. 5. 1990.

45. J. K. Hale and M. A. Cruz, Existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence for hereditary systems, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 63-81, 1970.

46. Lass, J. ; Hinrikus, H.; Meigas, K.; Kaik J.: Comparison of Different Heart Rate Reconstruction Algorithms for Rate Adaptive Cardiac Pacing: Medical & Biological & Engineering & Computing, vol. 37, supp. 2, Part II, 1999, pp.1282-1283.

47. Meesmann, M.: Verbundprojekt Nichtlineare EKG-Analysen zur Risikostratifizierung und Therapiebeurteilung von Herzpatienten. VDI-Technologiezentrum Physikalische Technologien Düsseldorf 1999. ISBN 3-931384-25-X S. 133-142.

48. Pham, D. T.; Dimov,  S. S.: An Efficient Algorithm For Automatic Knowledge Acquisition, Pattern Recognition. Vol. 30(7), (1997), pp 1137-1143, ISSN 0031-3203/97.

49. Pham, D. T.; Yang,  M.; Wang, Z.; Packianather, M. S.: Extraction of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Signals from Vibration Sensitive Mattress. Electronics Letters, (1999), Vol. 35(19), pp. 1600-1601, ISSN 0013-5194.

50. Yankovskaya, A.: An Automaton Model, Fuzzy Logic, and Means of Cognitive Graphics in the Solution of Forecast Problems. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 1998, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 154-156.

51. Yankovskaya, A.: Test Pattern Recognition with the Use of Genetic Algorithms. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 121-123.

52.  Yankovskaya, A.; Gedike, A.: Construction and Evaluation of Compressed Descriptions of Patterns in an Intelligent Recognizing System. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 124-127.

53. Yankovskaya, A.: The Test Pattern Recognition with Genetic Algorithm Use. In: Radig, B.; Niemann, H.;  Zhuravlev, Y.; Gourevitch, I.; Laptev, I. (Eds.): 5th Open German-Russian Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding.  Germany, Herrsching, 1999. - pp. 47-54.

54. JAVATM SPEECH API , http://java.sun.com/ marketing/ collateral/ speech.html/

55. M. P. Stryker: Sensory Maps an the Move. SCIENCE Vol 284 7. May 1999 p. 925-6/

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57. Marcia Barinaga: „New Ion Channel May Yield Clues to Hearing. Science, 24. March 2000, Vol 287, p 2132-2133 and Science, 24. March 2000, Vol 287, p 2229-2234.

58. D. De Roure, N. R. Jennings, N. R. Shadbolt, “The Semantic grid: a future e-science infrastructure”, in Grid Computing – Making the global infrastructure a reality, F. Bernam, A. Hey, G. Fox (Eds.), J. Wiley, Chichester, 2003, pp. 437-470.

59. A.Esposito, “Grid Computing”, in Advances in Information Technologies for Electromagnetics,  A.Esposito, L.Tarricone, Springer, in press (January 2006), Chp.5.

60. Marije Geldof. The Semantic Grid: will Semantic Web and Grid go hand in hand ?, 2004

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