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Dr. Horea Sandi,

Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania

Bd. Dacia nr. 26

Sector 1


T.: +40 21 211 7951

Fax: +40 21 312 55 31



GG-ASTR means the Group on Geodynamics organized under the auspices of ASTR (Academy of Technical  Sciences of Romania).

ASTR was organized, with the agreement of the Romanian Academy, in 1997 – 1998. It is an institution where eminent scientists and practitioners of the various branches of engineering were accepted for membership. Its current president is Academician Radu Voinea, who is also president of the Department of Technical Sciences of the Romanian Academy. ASTR is organized in ten departments, corresponding to various engineering branches. Out of these, one can mention, as relevant for the project, the departments on civil engineering (current vice-chairman: Horea Sandi) and on mining, oil and geonomical engineering (current chairman: Dorel Zugravescu). The activities of ASTR consist mainly of supporting the advancement of technical sciences (responsibility of projects, symposia, publications), the dissemination of knowledge and qualified advice to governmental bodies.

GG-ASTR (chairman: Dorel Zugravescu) was organized under the auspices of the department on mining, oil and geonomical engineering and developed, in its field, activities that correspond to those of the ASTR. The main activities are related to participation in national and international research projects (to be mentioned in this latter respect: the coordination of the virtual international laboratory concerning the Vrancea geodynamically active zone). GG-ASTR is often building consortia with IGAR (Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy; director: Dorel Zugravescu).

Suggestions on completion of document CARiMan2


Item B.1:


1.      Integration of risk analyses for various categories of risk into network of computer aided risk management.

2.      Development of appropriate communication capabilities (among other: glossary of common use).

3.      Search for harmonized dealing with various categories of risks.

4.      Improved specific communication and dissemniation of knowledge.


Item. B.3:


1.      Improved control of risks.

2.      Development of network of relevant databases.

3.      Progress towards systematic warning on various risks and alarming on events having disaster generating potential.

4.      Contribution to integrated risk management policies at various levels (gobermental, local etc.).


Item 4.1 (Seismic CARiMan):


1.      Pro-active activities (summarizing disseminating knowledge on risk assessment an mitigation, developing network on risk management).

2.      Developing post-event rreaction capabilities (alarming, gathering and summarizing information on events and consequences, developing specific reaction strategies).

3.      ROBOSENSE ? (not clear).



(separately: info as required for items:

-         B1 & A3

-         B8)


CV of Dr. eng. (civil engng.) & mathematician Horea Sandi


Horea Sandi graduated in 1954 (University of Bucharest / Faculty of Mathematics / Mechanics of continua) and in 1955 (Institute of Civil Engineering / Faculty of buildings and industrial structures). He became dr. eng. in the frame of the Institute of Civil Engineering in 1966 (Thesis: Contributions to the theory of structural design).


-         structural design in the frame of the Railway Design Institute, 1955  - 1957;

-         research on hydrotechnical structures in the frame of the Institute of Hydrotechnical Research, 1957 – 1958;

-         research on structural mechanics and structural safety, in the frame of the Building Research Institute, 1958 – 2001:

-         research on structural mechanics (especially dynamics), structural safety, earthquake engineering, engineering seismology, experimental activities (mainly full scale dynamic analysis), loads on structures, computer analyses of structures, earthquake protection strategies;

-         drafting of standards and codes on principles of structural design, actions on structures, earthquake resistant design;

-         technical assistance to design organizations;

-         research on engineering seismology in the frame of the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy, since 2001;

-         teaching activity, as part time job, since 1963 (strength of materials, theory of elasticity, structural dynamics, theory of shells, testing of structures, disaster prevention, probability theory);

-         activities abroad: lectures at several universities (course on seismic risk in Italy, 1991); from 1973 to 1989, lectures in the frame of successive regional seminars on earthquake engineering under the auspices of EAEE (European Association for Earthquake Engineering); from 1983 to 2002, coordination of working groups of EAEE; from 1982 to 1986, vice-president of EAEE; participation in UNDP/UNESCO and UNDP/UNIDO Balkan projects (1981 – 1984, then 1988 – 1990); consultancy to UNDRO and UNIDO (1983 and 1986); participation in European project ENSeRVES (1997 – 2001);

-         publications: 2 books single – authored, 6 books co – authored, more than 150 articles and papers;

-         full member, Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania (1999), currently vice-chairman of Division of civil engineering. 


Selected publications


1.      H. Sandi, G. }erb`nescu, T. Zorapapel: Lessons from the Romania earthquake of 4 March 1977. Proc. 6-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Dubrovnik, 1978.

2.      H. Sandi: Seismic vulnerability and seismic intensity. Proc. 7-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Athens, 1982.

3.      H. Sandi: The decision on the intervention on existing structures: alternatives and cost-benefit analysis. Proc. 4-th International Conf. on the Applications of Statistics and Probability in Soil and Structural Engineering (ICASP-4), Firenze, 1983.

4.      H. Sandi: A Report on vulnerability analysis carried out in the Balkan Region. Proc. 8-th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 1984.

5.      H. Sandi (WG Convenor): UNDP/UNESCO Project RER/79/014 “Earthquake Risk Reduction in the Balkan Region” WG B: Vulnerability and Seismic Hazard. Final Report. UNESCO, Paris, 1984.

6.      H. Sandi: Analysis of seismic risk for geographically spread systems. Proc. 4-th International Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR ’85), Kobe, 1985.

7.      H. Sandi: The Romania earthquake of March 4, 1977: Notes on the effects, the post-earthquake reaction and the future action needs. Proc. Joint US-Romania Seminar on Earthquakes and Energy, Bucharest, 1985.

8.      H. Sandi: Current possibilities for the analysis and mitigation of the seismic risk affecting the existing building stock. Proc. Joint US-Romania Seminar on Earthquakes and Energy, Bucharest, 1985.

9.      H. Sandi, D. Cazacu, C. Constantinescu, M. Stancu: A summary of studies on the seismic vulnerability of buildings, carried out in Bucharest subsequently to the March 4, 1977, Earthquake. Proc. Joint US-Romania Seminar on Earthquakes and Energy, Bucharest, 1985.

10.  H. Sandi, I. Floricel, D. Cazacu: Parametric analysis of risk and expected total cost for buildings. Proc. 3-rd US Nat. Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Charleston, NC, 1986.

11.  H. Sandi: Some remarks and recommendations related to the experience of the Mexico, 19 September 1985, earthquake. Proc. 8-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Lisabona, 1986.

12.  G. Danci, D. R`dulescu, H. Sandi, M. Stancu: Some first data on the Romania, 30/31 August 1986, earthquake. Proc. 8-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, 1986.

13.  H. Sandi (WG coordinator): EAEE Working Group on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis for Individual Structures and for Systems. Report to the 8-th ECEE. Proc. 8-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Lisabona, 1986.

14.  H. Sandi: Prerequisites for the use of artificial accelerograms. 14-th Regional Seminar on Earthquake Engineering, Ossiach, Austria, 1988 (published by ÖGE, 1989).

15.  H. Sandi: Quelques problèmes méthodologiques soulevés par l’analyse de la vulnerabilité sismique. 2-ème Coll. Nat. de Génie Parasismique, AFPS, Saint-Rémy-lès- Chevreuse, 1989.

16.  H. Sandi: Alternative stochastic approaches to seismic response analysis. Proc. 10-th International Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 10), Los Angeles, 1989.

17.  H. Sandi, M. Dolce, A. W. Coburn, B. Goschy: European Association on Earthquake Engineering/WG.3 “Vulnerability and Risk Analysis”. Report to the 9-th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Proc. 9-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Moscow, 1990.

18.  C. Radu, D. R`dulescu, H. Sandi: Some data and considerations on recent strong earthquakes of Romania. Publ. AFPS, Cahier Technique No. 3, 1990.

19.  H. Sandi: Probabilistic analysis of durability of structures. Proc. ICASP-6 (6-th International Conf. on the Applications of Statistics and Probability in Soil and Structural Mechanics), Mexico City, 1991.

20.  H. Sandi: Use of instrumental data for evaluation of ground motion and for specification of seismic conditions. Some data on recent Romanian experience. Proc. International Symp. on Earthquake Disaster Prevention, CENAPRED/JICA, Mexico City, 1992.

21.  H. Sandi, I. Floricel: Analysis of seismic risk affecting the existing building stock. Proc. 10-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, !994.

22.  H. Sandi, I. Floricel: Analysis of attenuation for recent intermediate depth earthquakes of Romania. Proc. 5-th International Conf. on Seismic Zonation, Nice, 1995.

23.  H. Sandi, O. Stancu: Parametric analysis of seismic hazard for intermediate depth earthquakes of Romania. Proc. 5-th International Conf. on Seismic Zonation, Nice, 1995.

24.  H. Sandi: Some needs and suggestions concerning the development of design regulations. Proc. 11-th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexic, 1996.

25.  H. Sandi: An alternative view on a hazard assessment case. Proc. XXV-th ESC General Assembly, Reykjavik, 1996.

26.  H. Sandi, V. M@rza: Forecasting major Vrancea earthquakes. Proc. XXV-th ESC General Assembly, Reykjavik, 1996.

27.  H. Sandi: Some considerations on the outcome of seismic hazard and risk analysis. Implications for civil infrastructure systems. Proc. Workshop on Civil Infrastructure Systems for the Next Century: A Global Partnership in Research. Cracow, 1996.

28.  H. Sandi, I. Floricel: Some alternative instrumental measures of ground motion severity. Proc. 11-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, 1998.

29.   H. Sandi: A format for vulnerability characteristics of damaged structures. Proc. 11-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, 1998.

30.  H. Sandi, R. V`c`reanu: Parametric analysis of cumulative damage. Proc. 11-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, 1998.

31.  E. S. Georgescu, P. Popescu, H. Sandi, O. Stancu: “Towards a national earthquake protection program under the conditions of Romania”. {n Vrancea Earthquakes: Tectonics, Hazard and Risk Mitigation, (ed.: F. Wenzel) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp. 241-250.

32.  H. Sandi: “Earthquake risk analysis and management. Some peculiarities of the case of Romania.” In Vrancea Earthquakes: Tectonics, Hazard and Risk Mitigation, (ed.: F. Wenzel) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1999.

35. H. Sandi: “Some methodological aspects related to vulnerability analysis”. In Seismic

       damage to masonry buildings (ed.: A. Bernardini), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999.

36. E. S. Georgescu, H. Sandi: Towards earthquake scenarios under the conditions of Romania. Proc. 12-th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, 2000.

37. H. Sandi, I. S. Borcia: Instrumental data versus prospects of microzonation in Bucharest.Proc. 3-rd Japan – Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, 2000.

38.  H. Sandi: “Seismic Risk in Romania. Features and Countermeasures.” Prezentat` la un Seminar sub egida NATO la Istanbul, iunie 2000, publicat` [n “Mitigation and Financing Seismic Risks” (editors: P. Kleindorfer and M. R. Sertel), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

39.  H. Sandi: Obstacles to earthquake risk reduction, encountered in Romania. Proc. Workshop on "Mitigation of Seismic Risk, Support to Recently Affected European Countries". Belgirate. Lago Maggiore, Italia, 2000.

40.  H. Sandi: “Education of civil engineers in view of disaster prevention. The case of earthquakes in Romania”. Introductory lecture at one of the themes of the International Conference “Challenges to the Civil Engineering Profession in Europe at the Beginning of the New Millennium”, organized in 2001 in Sinaia (Romania), under the auspices of the project EUCEET (European Civil Engineering Education and Training) and of ECCE (European Council of Civil Engineers). Independent Film, Bucharest, 2002.

41.  H. Sandi, O. Stancu, I. S. Borcia: “Some features of seismic conditions of Romania, as derived from instrumental data and from hazard analysis”. Proc. 12-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Londra, sept. 2002, CD, Elsevier, 2002.

42.  H. Sandi, O. Stancu, M. Stancu: “Stiffness evolution for some structures subjected to successive strong earthquakes”. Proc. 12-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Londra, sept. 2002, CD, Elsevier,2002.

43.  H. Sandi, O. Stancu, I. S. Borcia: “Hazard analysis for Potenza, Italy. A case study in the frame of the ENSeRVES project.” Proc. 12-th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Londra, sept. 2002, CD, Elsevier, 2002. 

44. H. Sandi: “Evolutionary, versus constant, seismic vulnerability of structures. Importance and methodological implications”. Proc. International Conf. Earthquake Loss estimate & Risk reduction. Bucharest, 2002.


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