Network of Excellence


 The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence



B.1 Objectives of the network


Responsible: TUC & IPA & ICS
Assistance: all partners


The list of the full names and employing organisations of the researchers and students who want to participate in the network is attached as NameList.pdf. The integrated persons are marked red.


The aim of the CARiMan Network of Excellence is to create the framework for the development of next-generation Risk Management Systems, by integrating IST technologies in all aspects of user-computer communications from direct personal communication to emergency handling. More specifically, the scientific and technical objectives of CARiMan are research activities for a new concept of Risk Management Systems for emergency management and monitoring of situations. The CARiMan systems are designed around the concept of Computer Aided Risk Management Systems (CARiManS) and Computer Aided Teaching Systems (CATS), all integrating Knowledge Management (KMS) functionalities.


In such a way, CARiMan contributes directly in realising European policies for the creation of a ‘knowledge society’, as agreed at the Lisbon and Stockholm Councils. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) are specifically targeted for the recognition of monitored signals and of possible risk situations; web technologies are used for the communication and distribution of the knowledge. Network and distributed computational technologies are used for communication between remote sensors and pre-processing units, CARiManS and Knowledge Management Systems, and for communication among users, emergency situations, Risk Managers and researchers. "Risk management is one of those things that people don't know they need until they need it."


Topics covered in CARiMan:

·        Understanding potential problem areas

·        Managing your issues

·        Formulating a strategy

·        Developing a crisis and risk plan

·        Selecting and training crisis teams

·        Controlling a crisis

·        Monitoring future preparedness

·        Risk Management as prevention of damage.

·        Risk Management as a theme of corporate governance.


The CARiMan NoE will aim at fundamentally redefining the approach that the Office of Environmental Management uses to conduct cleanup. This new approach would change the current approach, one that’s based on compliance with hundreds or thousands of individual and independent requirements and actions, to one that is based on risk based end states, and a clearly defined and coordinated path forward. This approach, “begin with the end in mind”, will result in a new way of assessing and undertaking cleanup activities and how we plan and prioritise our actions. Development and implementation of this approach will require extensive interactions with local and national stakeholders, regulators and the National, European Departments.


In the past, many strategies and devices for the risk management have been developed. Exploiting this previous experience, the research work in CARiMan will focus on technologies to support the process of acquiring, organizing, modelling, navigating, retrieving, representing, visualising, interpreting and sharing knowledge. These functions will be integrated in new semantic-based and context-aware systems including cognitive and agent-based tools. Work will address extensible knowledge resources and will enable next-generation of semantic-web applications. Utilizing the advances in sensor technology, the project explores the use and efficiency of microsystems and mobile intelligent sensory devices with appropriate signal conditioning and remote pre-processing. A novel concept to be explored is the incorporation of qualitative knowledge of experienced users captured by means of regular voice communication and translated into low-level data, features and attributes by the KMS. Towards this functionality the KMS is trained on a large number of cases with the supervision of the Risk Managers, utilizing the developments on semantic knowledge interpretation and human-computer interfaces. In this way, the KMS aims to support all levels of information extraction, analysis, mining and interpretation from abstract knowledge to features and raw data or signals. Moreover, it aims to spread high level knowledge among Risk Managers, to increase the European common level of expertise, and (if possible) to set up new practices of web collaboration among users, Risk Managers, researchers in analysing, evaluating and taking decisions about risk situations, while respecting privacy policies and trusting everyone’s confidence in new technologies based instruments.


Crisis Management means the managing of operations during the actual crisis in the midst of the event to the degree that the events can be managed. However, it may also mean the management of the organisation before, during, and after the crisis. Crisis Management is not a mechanistic action of rules, procedures and physical action by an organisation. It consists of a full range of thoughtful processes and steps to anticipate the complex nature of crisis - real and perceived.


The research work is also important in validating the expected socio-economical benefits of the initiative, to promote the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and a greater social cohesion. A cost-effective strategy of the NoE is to prevent extensive application of IST by means of a better evaluation of the risk situations. This can result in enabling the authorities to prevent scenarios, before a risk situation appears.


Another area of research that will actually be conducted within the project is on user acceptance of the technology, examining factors like ease of functionality and the question of trust. Such research is valuable for the IST programme, particularly regarding the task of identifying socio-economic barriers  for application of the new technology. It is also important in validating the expected socio-economic benefits of the initiative.


Current EC policy encourages actions to exploit Europe’s strengths in sectors like mobile communications, embedded software and micro electronics as part of a strategy “to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”. One objective of CARiMan is to develop the application and promotion of new-generation mobile and wireless embedded systems in health care. The new technology will positively affect the quality of life of the patients without jeopardizing their health. Health care technology is currently driven by a strong impetus for improving the cost and efficiency of the health care system from both public and government. There is an environment of increasing political pressure for cuts in health expenditure while at the same time the public demands the best available health care. The CARiMan project addresses both demands by implementing a strategy to prevent or reduce unnecessary hospitalisation, while providing the means for better health evaluation on an outpatient basis by careful and permanent monitoring.


The particular objectives of the CARiMan project are summarized in the following.

·        To network researchers and practitioners together, with the objective of contributing to the definition of a new generation of CARiManS and KMS, capable of assisting in the prevention, earliest individualisation, diagnoses and treatment of risk situations. The adoption of more powerful and flexible knowledge technologies that are semantic-based and context-aware should prepare for the next generation web that give access to more effective and creative digital contents.

·        To develop of strategies, DB&KMS and tools for the integration of all participants involved in the production (researchers, general public), processing (analysts, consultants), circulation (educators) and use (decision makers, industry) of information on sustainable development.

·        To descript of gaps in the European environmental and educational law system, and evaluation of the possibility to implement the best experiences from national level.

·        To create databases & Knowledge Management Systems  for the following purpose:

-         to aid decision makers at national and European level in grounding sustainable development strategies;

-         to aid researches in achieving  knowledge and scientific information needed and feed back to the utility of supplied information.

·        To facilitate and expand the use of IST technologies in monitoring, preventing and treating major health risks (e.g. cancer, environmental health, genetic research, etc), environmental issues (e.g natural disasters, pollution, etc), civil protection (e.g. de-mining, traffic accidents, etc), emergency management and monitoring of high-risk groups.

·        To assist professionals in coping with some major challenges, as well as with risk situations management. Overall, the integration into practices of advances and higher standards in knowledge and treatment is a noteworthy objective.

·        To improve risk provisions in prevention and management of the activities concerned in CARiMan, by ensuring improved control and monitoring of the systems.

·        To develop the framework for the design and evaluation of a Computer Aided Risk Management System (CARiManS) that enables ubiquitous management of the status of the monitored systems, by efficiently integrating advances in knowledge. The concept of CARiManS with its user friendly interfaces and secure communication design aims to improve the decision making process by integrating expert’s knowledge and experience from the local or remote KMS with all available heterogeneous information and monitoring systems.

·        To support the development of a new strategy in going from signals, signal acquisition, classification and recognition into knowledge administered by the KMS, designed as communicative system able to acquiring knowledge from the leading scientists and practitioners in Europe.

·        To enable research towards integrating microsystems and mobile intelligent devices into a user friendly information management and processing system.

·        To stimulate experts to share their own expertise to colleagues, students, researchers by means of web based e-teaching techniques. The Knowledge Management System (KMS), designed as a communicative system acquiring knowledge from the leading experts in Europe, aims to realize this purpose.

·        To teach professionals, students and researchers how to make full use of (and how to get confidence with) technology and CATS to improve their own competence acquiring the better knowledge available in their fields of expertise.

·        To improve social cohesion and quality of life through the use of the remote monitoring approach that involves the monitored system directly to the process of management, increasing its awareness and confidence to the system itself, reduces lost time, salary compensation and travel costs..

·        To enable sustainable growth of small and medium IST companies dealing with the management and secure communication of information for risk management.

·        Educational objectives

-         the network allows the correlation between work market needs and the capacity of specialists formation from European educational system;

-         avoid overlapping and disagreement between the industry needs and the offer of educational system;

-         identification of research priorities at national, regional and European level and financing orientation towards priority directions;

-         creation (in collaboration with programs type Leonardo) of rapid education and perfection forms which should correspond to random and strategic requirements;

-         Opportunities for adopting European Transferable Credits (ECTS) at all European countries and all educational levels.

·        Environmental and sustainable development objectives

-         inventory and monitoring of polluted area or high risk areas (in accordance with EU Directives);

-         creation of an informational database which can be upgraded for BAT (Best Available Technologies);

-         standardizing in an increasing way of Environmental Impact Studies methodologies at European level;

-         developing strategy substantiation after sustainable development principles and opportunity for the controlling the engagements taken by the adherent states while enlargement negotiation;

-         Enlarging the DB&KMSfor the European recyclable material market. In the same time it is assured the application of BAT in the field of waste recycling;

·        Technologic and information objectives

-         creation of an DB&KMS in which the creators and users of information and technology have access equally;

-         favoring the creation of new networks in which the researchers from the adjacent domains can exchange their experience and technology;

-         interconnection between technological and informational education networks which exist already.

-         Encouraging the appearance and development of regional centres of creation and soft usage.


CARiMan envisions serving simultaneously “anybody” from “anywhere” encompassing maximum standards with an emphasis on multilingual facilities and multicultural benefits.





Centers of Excellence
