Network of Excellence


 The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence



B.3 Potential impact


Responsible: TUC & IPA & ICS
Assistance: all Partners   


Why CARiMan?

The European Union has chosen to take a leading role in promoting sustainable development on a global scale, and has been at the forefront in setting up the international agenda in recent years. At global level, important decisions were taken in 2002 through the launch of the Doha Development Agenda, the Monterrey Conference on Development Assistance and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg last August. But decisions must now turn into delivery.

In June 2001, the Göteborg European Council agreed a strategy for sustainable development that completed the Union’s political commitment to economic and social renewal, added an environmental dimension to the Lisbon strategy and established a new approach to policy-making. It highlighted unsustainable trends posing a threat to the Union’s quality of life. These included concrete issues like environmental and educational ones.


As European citizens become accustomed to information society services which offer flexible, individualised interaction independent of place and time, they will place new demands on services offered by the public sector and on their participation in decision process. That means that they will demand immediate response of the public sector to a crisis situation.


Crisis Management means the managing of operations during the actual crisis in the midst of the event to the degree that the events can be managed. However, it may also mean the management of the organisation before, during, and after the crisis. Crisis Management is not a mechanistic action of rules, procedures and physical action by an organisation. It consists of a full range of thoughtful processes and steps to anticipate the complex nature of crisis - real and perceived.


Decision makers use the scientific information only occasionally. In the moment of crisis, the selection of experts is done who activate, usually, in closed groups. The quality of provided conclusions is limited to the competence, the experience and subjectivism of the team members. The access to the information of decision makers is very limited. Even if after the decision was made, the opinion of the experts is made public, the eventual expert critics are belated, therefore less handy. Decision makers don’t have access to a “real time” data base. There is no feedback of scientific strategy; it means that this is made by political criteria, without science to influence actively the political decision at the time of its preparation.


In the past, many strategies and devices for risk management have been developed. Exploiting this previous experience, the research work in CARiMan will focus on technologies to support the process of acquiring, organizing, modelling, navigating, retrieving, representing, visualising, interpreting and sharing knowledge. These functions will be integrated in new semantic-based and context-aware systems including cognitive and agent-based tools. Work will address extensible knowledge resources and will enable next-generation of semantic-web applications.


Thus, CARiMan research work is important in validating the expected socio-economical benefits of the initiative, to promote the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and a greater social cohesion. A cost-effective strategy of the NoE is to prevent extensive application of IST by means of a better evaluation of the risk situations. This can result in enabling the government to prevent scenarios, before a risk situation appears.


Natural and industrial disasters are a dramatic example of people living in conflict with the environment. Sustainable development can help prevent acts of nature or industry from becoming disasters. In order to reduce the cost and maximize the efficiency of the efforts made for handling such situations, the creation of a common platform and a Knowledge Database System is a necessity. Having one common platform for handling all crisis situations will lead to the most effective management of these events. Trough CARiMan we propose a world expertise network, necessary for risk prevention and management.


The aim of the CARiMan Network of Excellence is to create the framework for the development of next-generation Risk Management Systems, by integrating IST technologies in all aspects of user-computer communications from direct personal communication to emergency handling. More specifically, the scientific and technical objectives of CARiMan are research activities for a new concept of Risk Management Systems for emergency management and monitoring of situations. The successful implementation of CARiMan will make Europe an international leader in risk management.


Technological Impact

The NoE CARiMan aims at the determination and development of a common risk management system at European level, which will be able to handle a wide range of applications. In order to achieve this goal effective system architecture has to be developed. The CARiMan System CARiManS is depicted in the Fig. B.3-1.



Figure B.3.1. Computer Aided Risk Management System (CARiManS)


Communications (C) can be considered as the most critical aspect in CARiMan’s structure. Every component of the system relies on fast, accurate and secure communication links. In order to better handle the Communications tasks, they have been divided into several meaningful entities, as follows:


            C1: Communication Monitored System – Risk Manager

C2: Communication Risk Manager – CARiManS for acquisition of the knowledge of experts

            C3:  Microsystems and Sensors Communication with CARiManS

C4: Communication CARiManS – CARiManS for distributed operation

C5: Communication Risk Manager – Risk Manager / student

C6: Communication Monitored System – CARiManS on the user ineface UI


These communications aspects are handled by different components of CARiManS as described in the following. More specifically, the Communications component of CARiManS involve:

·        UI: The User Interface considers the communication with the Risk Manager (C2), aiming at transferring the expert’s knowledge to CARiManS and the Monitored system with the CARiManS (C6). It also enables the communication between the Risk Manager and the Monitored system (C1) as to enable control of the former to the operation of the latter. Thus, the UI unit handles the communications aspects of C1, C2 and C6. In building the UI CARiManS will utilize results from research in cognitive science. As it deems appropriate.

·        MS: The unit Microsystems and Sensors handles the communication (C3) between each sensor/actuator used in monitoring with the CARiMan System

·        SA: The System Architecture essentially handles all issues for the distributed operation of CARiManS systems (C4). This operation is necessary as to allow the Communication network to be web based, scalable, platform independent and easy to use.  In addition, peer-to-peer architectures will be appraised, in order to allow inter-operability of the distributed CARiManS units.

·        Finally, the Risk Manager/Student communication (C5) is essential for training and dissemination, as analysed and used in B4.3


Further components in CARiManS are

·        KM:  Data Base & Knowledge Management System;

·        PD: Portable Devices, signal conditioning and conversion;

·        TI: Transmission and Interfaces, security of data transmission;

·        SP: Signal Processing, classification, recognition and evaluation.


In this Network of Excellence, responding to the related Call, we identify central design issues and architectural concepts for an integrated disaster management system, providing an infrastructure that allows for horizontal and vertical information flow from the risk situation - the patient in risk or the fire-fighters on the scene - up to the Risk Manager by means of a multi-level wireless signal and data transmission and communication infrastructure, as well as integrated applications that reflect the currently organizational structure adequate to the rescue effort. At all levels, we must provide for recording and analysis of the current situation, Computer Aided data aggregation and de-aggregation, resource scheduling, and access to services, Database & Knowledge Management Systems (KM or DB&KMS).

Signal Transmission and Interfaces (TI) include terrestrial trucked radio or satellite technology for wide area communication, wireless LAN ad-hoc networks for disaster site hot spots, and personal or body area networks for frontline personnel, allowing them to act as data sources and synchronise by means of smart connected devices, e.g. robust mobile terminals and sensors.

Applications are to be designed around flexible information and work flow concepts based on templates for fast adaptation to modifications of the organizational structure due to situation changes. Distributed, redundant, and mobility adequate DB&KMS provide for access even in unreliable or low bandwidth environments through pre-fetching and caching; service discovery and auto-configuration schemes reduce the need for manual administration in hectic situations. GIS and cooperative command environments aid operations staff in their facilities or vehicles. We devise “information environment portability” for added flexibility and mobile operations.


Through the concepts of direct communications among monitored systems, risk managers, student, researcher and computer, the CARiMan project develops applications for teaching and knowledge dissemination, for training and mentoring purposes, or simply for knowledge transfer, accessible from every region, Europe and elsewhere. There are two scenarios: the case that a risk manager pushes his/her newly acquired knowledge/experience towards his/her colleagues (teaching); and the opposite case, where a risk manager/student/researcher asks for state-of-the-art knowledge input from other senior risk managers/researchers (learning). The project involves all these issues and, through the modular, consistent, multidisciplinary and robust design of its components, it is expected to have a significant impact on areas including skill-profiling of every professional accessing the CATS (Computer-Aided Teaching System), accessing the KMSs (Knowledge Management Systems) via web based friendly interfaces, automatic notification of important knowledge as soon as new knowledge becomes available at various CARiManSs (Computer Aided Risk Monitoring Systems) in the NoE, providing training for young practitioners/students employed by the NoE, ensuring protected access to sensible data subject to privacy regulations belonging to individuals patients and/or other participants to the network. Figure B.3-2 illustrates the utility of CARiManS as a teaching CATS platform.

Spread of Knowledge

The integration of European research is strongly based on tight personal relations among partners from different countries. When the number of partners is large, as in CARiMan, effective methods for providing personal contacts among researchers are required.




Figure B.3.2. Development and Application of CARiManS as Computer Aided Teaching System CATS


In order to facilitate the exchange of researchers, students, and experts among the partners of CARiMan, a Researcher Marketplace (RM) Web site will be set up. RM will provide a shared area where available positions in the various CARiMan NoE institutions can be advertised as well as researchers interest in participating in projects at other institutions anywhere in the world (comment: The goal being the transfer of knowledge not to engage in his/her interest in traviling)  RM will facilitate the matching between the exigencies of institutions and the interests of researchers in a cooperation framework that enhances the mobility and the European experience and technological transfer. RM will also provide an alert service and a mailing list to keep the partners actively informed about the different possibilities of people exchanging. Typical users of RM will be post-doc students seeking for a period of specialization and training in foreign universities, institutions, and companies. Another class of typical users are the students about to complete their graduation programs and who want to carry on (part of) their master or PhD curriculum or theses in another university. In this last case, via the student exchange among CARiMan partners will be part of more general European initiatives, such as the Socrates student exchange program. The exchange of graduate students is a well-known practice for Universities but should be extended also to companies.. Financial support for such activities should be provided. (Comment: I do not think that mentioning the standard of living is necessary here)


The researcher exchanges promoted by RM will enhance the different activities of the CARiMan NoE. Via face to face meetings and discussions the knowledge of adoption of standards, the demonstration of software components, the training in using of the software tools, and the survey works improve and inspire more of the same. More precisely, the following specific exchange activates emerge as required by the CARiMan partners.

·         Exchange of specialists in order to improve the quality of the developed algorithms. The development of reliable classification procedures and models that can effectively support the expert (comment: we are not only talking about health care are we?)decisions strongly requires knowledge that grasp all possible situations and clinical cases and that must collected from different partners.

·         Exchange of specialists among partners for developing different methods that allow comparison of the methods and the obtained results with the aim of improving decision support systems.

·         Exchange of specialists for testing and validation of the developed systems and for the dissemination of results.

As a more concrete example of how the exchange of researchers can promote the integration of European research, the I6 programme on a new system for better diagnosis and successful remediation of dyslexia requires the following specific researcher exchanges.

·        During the elaboration of the conceptual model, mutual visits between researchers from scientific laboratories are necessary to define most promising approaches to dyslexia problem. Moreover, visits to technical partners aiming at recognising technical resources of CARiMan NoE are foreseen.

·        During the development of the system, visits in both directions (from scientific laboratories to technical partners and from technical institutions to scientific laboratories) are planned.

·        During the experimental validation of the system technical experts will provide their professional advice to scientists.

·        The adjustment of the new tools to specific clinical purposes (diagnose and support of dyslexia) requires mutual contacts between scientists, clinicians (educators), and technical experts.

·        Participation of all (technical, scientific and clinical) partners will be required at the stage of spreading the achieved potential to the end users by organisation of workshops and practical trainings


Besides the above-mentioned forms of researcher exchange among the CARiMan partners, more informal ways for knowledge transfer can be adopted. For example, researchers can spend some days or few weeks in another institutions in order to complete a very short and detailed research activity, to provide professional advice or to write a paper summarizing the results obtained during a joint activity, and so on. These short informal visits will arise as a spontaneous form of cooperation among the partners and will not be regulated in order to fully exploit their innovative and creative potential.


Finally, it will be important to evaluate how the researchers exchange solutions in CARiMan could be integrated with corresponding solutions adopted in other Networks of Excellence. This will favour "horizontal" meetings among different NoEs in order to focus on the exchange of ideas for possible collaborations or publications in the light of the integration of the European research. For example, activities B4.3, D1, D2, and D3 of CARiMan could all benefit from these "horizontal" meetings.



The main objectives of the D3 are to secure that all direct as well as indirect results generated from the complete set of CARiMan activities are made available in an appropriate form for all relevant organisations, companies and persons. Furthermore all project results which can be regarded as marketable products or parts of products shall be prepared for the parallel marketing process.

The dissemination will target risk manager environment, product manufacturer and system integrators to enlarge the commercial possibilities and the monitored system environment and the users to create a demand for excellencies like CARiMan’s in substitution of the current Risk Management set up. In the scientific world the target will be researchers focusing on technologies that are complementary or comparable to CARiMan, D1.

Dissemination is always fundamental for a European Research Project since the awareness about the results of EU funded projects is one of the major concerns of This is especially importand in the NoE instrument where the research community is addressed. The dissemination concerns the developed applications, the distribution of methods, the results of the analyses and all other results created inside CARiMan.

By the 4 major dissemination angles; articles, web, workshops/conferences and involvement in education the CARiMan network will have a formal structure for spreading of excellencies. The D3 will ensure the messages and liaison activities are covered as described in the B4.3.

The creation of consensus on project undertakings is a fundamental factor that can increase market penetration and facilitate creation of alliances and partnerships. In addition, third-party developers and manufacturers can decide to increase their interest in carrying out relevant applications that exploit project results and services.

Dissemination activities are foreseen during the early phases of the project to provide to the community the first results and they are oriented in the following directions:

·         Dissemination through the CARiMan portal, electronic newsletters and mailing lists / dissemination through the websites, newsletters and mailing lists of the project’s partners. Through these dissemination channels, information on CARiMan events will be published, all IST Information Day proceedings, etc. The WEB-site will be published in the beginning of the project phase and will continuously be updated with relevant information (M2) and material used for presentations.

·         A large number of publications is expected both in conferences but also in journals based on the concept, vision, design and evaluation results of the CARiMan. Due to the size of the consortium and the complexity of the workplan a publication strategy will be derived early in the project in order to protect IPR.

·         Dissemination through CARiMan events: workshops, conferences, seminars, demonstrations and other activities leading to the involvement of different spectra of audiences from different domains.

·         Participation in externally organised events conferences, seminars, workshops and exhibitions at the national and international level. The information exchange will be also facilitated through the participation to EC concentration meetings and IST conferences, and forums. CARiMan will use these events as an opportunity to include experts and users in the process toward dissemination of the results.


The project’s outcome is expected to be implemented and commercialised in risk management environments. The results are expected to be exploited through the partners in the Consortium and according to the decision of the Consortium. Other commercial channels can be employed as well. A draft plan will be produced already in the early phase of the project. The information obtained during the realisation of the project will be used in the synthesis of the final plan.

The exploitation plan will precise the possible scenarios for further evolution and exploitation of the project results, during or after the end of the project. It will also describe activities promoting the exploitation of the results, including whenever appropriate development of a plan for the use and dissemination of the knowledge produced, feasibility studies for the creation of spin-offs companies managed by the EEIG, etc. The exploitation plan will also include the assessment, trial and validation of promising, but not fully established technologies and solutions. Moreover it will provide information about best practices as far as the early use and exploitation of technologies is concerned.

The CARiMan NoE will encourage partners for further commercial cooperation and will use a fund based on 10% of income of the CARiMan activities to support partners in development and scientific activities that brings products to the market. The outline for this construction is illustrated below.


Figure B.4.3. Exploitation pf CARiMan results  

The exploitation activities may be affected by e.g. IPR, legislation and regulatory issues (e.g. privacy for location based services and surveillance, and copyright issues for content provision).

The work on exploitation will contain:

·         Identification of patents and IPR, with the following management of rights and licenses;

·         product identification and interdependencies among the expertises;

·         consortium interoperability and co-relation of interests in the technology;

·         legal contract forms;

·         update and the future for developed IPRs and the expertise;

·         an element of learning and update to follow the rapid growing market for intellectual properties.


NoE continuation

In order to ensure the continuation of CARiMan several actions will be performed:

·        All Partners agree on a deep and durable integration continuing beyond the period of Community financial support

·        Partners agree to the joint ownership of any I.P. Rights and knowledge resulting from the NoE CARiMan research activities.

·        Partners agree to form a consortium to jointly exploit and commercialise the results in Europe and internationally, with proportional participation based on their respective share of the project budget.

·        Partner who holds a patent or any other I.P.R. forming a basis for any subsequently developed application patent/I.P.R. undertakes to grant a free, exclusive license to the Partners before bringing them into the NoE in order to exploit the result of CARiMan.

·        The responsibility of protection, registration and maintenance of any resulting I.P.R. stands upon each Activity Responsible Partner under which the research results has been developed. Formalized in IPR Agreement with the consortium.

·        10% of the overall commercial success of partners (turnover), based on CARiMan activities, will be integrated in a CARiMan fund for financial support.





Centers of Excellence
