Network of Excellence


 The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence



B.4 Degree of integration and the joint programme of activities


Responsible: IPA & TUC & ICS
all partners


Risk must be expressed with reference to some point. In this respect, the most effective point to express risk will be the enterprise.The following schema ilustrates this idea.



Figure B.4.1-Risk categories


We could make distinction between :

1.                  Risks acting inside the enterprise (RIE)-are affecting workers and staff inside the enterprise;in this respect we could distinguish:

2.                  Frontier risks (FR)-are influenced  by the enterprise but are acting outside it or are influencing the enterprise being generated outside it; we could identify:

3.                  Risks acting outside the enterprise(RAE)-are not influenced by the enterprise;


CARiMan is a risk management instrument that will have to perform one/some/all of these functions:


A lot of the risk aspects inside and at the border of the enterprise is quantified in the Seveso II Directive regarding major risks. In this respect, the development of CARiMan tools referencing the Seveso II Directive will be helpfull in the fulfillment of this directive provisions regarding environmental and occupational risks.


CARiMan will create a complete connection between all concepts of natural - technological risk - disasters, emergency, environment pollution (air, water, soil, radiation), monitoring, dispersion modelling and simulation, industrial security, environmental and civil protection, human health, chemical - civil alarm - scenarios - plan, computer assisted decision – prognosis - meteorological conditions, risk assessment – analysis - control and management.


The creation of a Network of Excellence in Risk Management that will cover the above-mentioned activities is a necessity. Through this NoE, overlapping of the research in the applications involved in CARiMan, in European level, will be avoided. The reduction of this overlapping will provide the European Union with extra funding resources that could be used for research in different areas.


The concept is an innovative but also a global one. Environment protection and security are analysed together in as a system that contains: permanent analysis, risk analysis, pollution surveys, prognosis in risk conditions, alarm networks, operative guide- key deliver system, computer aided decision, risk prevention and management of the different kind of monitored systems (applications).


Technological and environmental risk analysis is a major application domain for model-based decision support systems. CARiMan supports four major application domains in a common, fully integrated environment:

·        risk assessment

·        risk management

·        technical training

·        dissemination of results

Towards the effective implementation of the CARiMan issues, the joint programme of activities has been separated into four different categories analysed in the following sections:

  1. The integrating activities cover the integration of technological developments to different fields. These activities can be defined as verticals crossing all technology aspects for each application;

  2. The jointly executed research activities deal with the various generic aspects of technology, as applied to all application (horizontal activities). The purpose of CARiMan is to create a common risk management platform that could be implemented in any kind of application;

  3. The activities to spread excellence deal with the way of avoiding overlapping in research, knowledge transfer in European level for all the applications introduced in CARiMan;

  4. The management activities, cover all vertical and horizontal activities aiming to effective dissemination and efficient integration, respectively.


Fig. B.4-1 illustrates the structure of the activities in the Network of Excellence CARiMan.  

Fig. B.4-1 Network of activities in CARiMan.





Centers of Excellence
