Network of Excellence


 The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence



B.4.3 Activities to spread excellence


Responsible: IPM & INA

Assistance: CEFIN, all partners


The major task of CARiMan is the clustering of related R&D activities and promotes a European framework for next-generation Risk Management Systems for emergency management and monitoring of situations. A research excellence and expertise is available in Europe and the challenge is to get involvement of partners from all parts of Europe in the CARiMan Network of Excellence, since it will allow the transfer of different experiences and technologies.

The proposed network includes research institutes, universities, health care professionals and enterprises. Thereby CARiMan covers the whole value chain and enables spread of excellence at all levels. CARiMan will within the collaboration have potential to move the area of medical risk management systems beyond the level of national opportunities by exchange of knowledge and collaboration in research. This impact however is dependent on a strong information exchange system within the network and an outbound system ensuring contacts beyond the partners own networks.


The CARiMan will act in four main domains such as information (including awareness campaign), direct contacts with clients for partner and technologies offers/requests, assistance for projects preparation and development and monitoring. The goal is to promote the international technology co-operation based on the flow of information and services provided by the main contractors and also by the regional partners. One of the objective of this project is to develop and maintain a high level of services capability in delivering successful transnational technology transfer (TTT) to the local clients whilst addressing capacity deficits and encouraging the attainment of economic benefits for clients through successful agreements.


The activities  are:


1. Promoting (detailed in D2+3) the CARiMan NoE, its services and Network in by:

a)      Organizing and participating at events (press conferences; participating as speakers at conferences, exhibitions, fairs, seminars)

b)      Elaborating presentation and information materials (newsletter – CARiMan News; 12 issues/year; transmitted trough local/national/international network; CARiMan web-page; articles in professional papers)

c)      Contacting people (by phone, email, mail, fax, direct – meetings)

Expected results:

·      10,000 organisations informed about CARiMan services


2. Supporting the local development by implementing innovative/modern technologies, by:

a)      Identification of technology needs and their promotion through network

b)      Promotion of technology offers received from the network or from other sources

c)      Provide assistance for developing Technology Transfer  projects between identified partners

Expected results:

·      12 TTT agreements negotiated

·      4 TTT agreements signed


3. Assisting the national technology providers to promote at European level their innovative products and technologies, by:

a)      Identification of national technology offers and promotion using the CARiMan network

b)      Promotion of technology requests received from the CARiMan network members (or from other sources) to local providers matching the external needs with the local offer

c)      Providing Assistance for developing technology transfer projects between identified partners

Expected results:

·      12 TTT agreements negotiated

·      3 TTT agreements signed


The spread of excellence will target risk managers environment, product manufacturer and system integrators to enlarge the commercial possibilities and the risk management environment and the users to create a demand for excellencies like CARiMan´s in substitution of the current Risk Management set up. In the scientific world the target will researchers focusing on technologies that are complementary or comparable to CARiMan. The spread of excellence will ensure the largest possible impact in the technological development and the network will enable a close relation among research (Universities and educational institutions) and commercial interests (Decisions support industry, Sensors manufacturers, etc). The impact of a network is a much greater chance of commercial and scientific success when the ambition is for take-up at a European level rather than simply national or regional. The spread of excellence does include dissemination and exploitation actions on both commercial and academic levels.

The NoE CARiMan is strongly driven by the involvement of enterprises and sees its market as worldwide, though the test bed for development is Europe in the first instance. CARiMan will contribute to Europe’s competitiveness by its own cutting edge technological development coupled with the use of the latest technology developed by others. The result of the research activities and the developed technology will be transferable to other sectors as the exploitation takes form.

The mobility issue also relates to the question of standards and regulations, which are increasingly determined at a European level. The consequense of the network cooperation is further exposure and exploitation of excellences cross Europe and the mobility of modules will be a natural part of the issue and in focus of the research.Through membership of national and international professional societies and by presentations at society meetings, dissemination to health care professionals and medico equipment manufacturers will be accomplished. If there are commercially exploitable findings from the project, these will be given publicity in sales and promotional literature after relevant IPR has been established.

Publication in peer-reviewed journals and conference participation will be important means of dissemination; care will be taken that findings are not solely published in specialized journals where they are unlikely to be seen widely by end-users of the data acquired (health care professionals). The web-based activities are an open forum for articles, news, debates and external contacts to the network and will be used to expose both scientific results and commercialised properties. The network will arrange internal meetings and will on those occasions take the opportunity to involve external contacts for cooperation and dissemination.


It is recognised that the best way to spread the excellence inside the NoE will be an effective information system to inform each and every partner of the work and progress of other partners even from other specific groups. Therefore, it is planned to have co-ordination activities as well as workshops to exchange views, experience and ideas. The CARiMan network will form a platform for research and education at the partners institutions and CARiMan will support the involvement in education by materials and close contact among educational institutions. It will be encouraged within the network to collaborate among institutions on content of the educational activities.


Regarding the spreading to outside the NoE, particular workshops are to be held with the participation of selected and interested stakeholders which should include authorities, medical service providers and industrial operators. By the 4 major dissemination angles; articles, web, workshops/conferences and involvement in education the CARiMan network will have a formal structure for spreading of excellencies. An Internet system will consist of the following public and internal parts, which are built as sole information carriers or as interactive communication platforms:

Public parts

a) web pages that will be updated constantly by the experts of the network;

b) interactive discussion groups (public);

c) literature list - includes scientific and applied literature and abstracts of workshops;

e) market place for procedures, techniques and products;

f) newspage – including information about actual conferences, workshops, press releases, and legislation issues, also links to related web pages;

g) web page presenting the results of the workshops;

h)  Publications logistics and virtual warehouse


Internal parts:

h) discussion groups, for each area led by area coordinators.

i) author administration system, an editor program for the interactive preparation of manuscripts which allows common manuscript writing of several authors. It organises the automatic and hierarchical updating and storing of manuscripts in different development stages. Once manuscripts are completed, they will be put to the related public web pages. Updates of these publications can be prepared in the same way.

j) data base, which contains not-yet-published data of members of the NoE and which is linked to the author administration system during the time period of common manuscript preparation. This data base can include all media like texts, spread sheets, scientific figures, photographs, videos and other multimedia objects.


Members and PhD actions:

- Visits of other partners laboratories and companies related to team activities

- Participating in and organizing the workshops

- Industrial practice and workshops – in field workshops for PhD students

- Training courses to harmonize analytical methods and result assessment

- Activities encouraging women to participate in scientific activities

- Involving the non-government and government organizations in decision system and  planning of activities to decrease the health risks.


Organisation of thematic workshops. Every two years one workshop in each thematic area identified will be held to disseminate the main results to external stakeholders, with the aim of addressing a non-scientific audience. Therefore, these workshops will not be organised as “classical” scientific meetings. They will instead try to convey the main objectives and results of the different CARiMAN actions to potential end-users, stakeholders, public, consumers, regulators. Choice of topics and organisation will be done by the partners responsible for the different areas.

Practical training. The network will have the possibility of spreading excellence by training external participants in laboratories at the partners institutions or companies. The training will concern specific research areas of the network and will concentrate both on techniques/technological aspects/protocols and on specific medical conditions. The training will have the main purpose of training personnel to perform tasks and/or apply specific approaches; however, it could also be useful for training stakeholders in understanding the results of CARiMAN studies.

Consulting SMEs and administrations. Specific training and consulting activities will be provided to companies and public administrations interested in the results of the network. Contact with potential users will be pursued throughout the project, taking advantage of seminars and workshops and through the WWW site.

Presentation to congresses. Spreading of excellence to the scientific community will also imply the participation of selected network members to national and international congresses. Common presentations for the global network and for the different areas will be assembled by the core partners and given to the speakers. Translation into languages different from English will be responsibility of the different speakers.

Preparation of illustrative material. Spreading of excellence to stakeholders and end-users will also imply the preparation of printed material for distribution, such as leaflets and brochures. Different types of material will be prepared for the different types of targets: medical practitioners, regulators, administrators, politicians, scientists and for commercial purposes. The design and the content will be decided by the responsible partners, and the realisation will be performed by specialised firms. When a partner desires to prepare a translated version of some brochures in a language different from English, it will be his/her responsibility to perform it, keeping contact with the Committees to ensure the correct communication of the content.

Dissemination and exploitation. The disseminations elements are defined in the D1, D2 and especially D4. The dissemination and exploitation activities will ensure relations to the marketplace and the users by market research and commercial exposure. One of the focus areas will be the possibilities for the developed IPRs and novelties among the partners within the network. The requirements and the finalisation of the research for the market will enable properties to become marketable and profitable to the network partners.





Centers of Excellence
