Network of Excellence


 The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence



B.8 Joint Programme of Activities – first 18 months


Responsible: ICS,

Assistance: all partners


B.8.1. Introduction

An overall description of the goals, content and strategy of the JPA is provided in B.1. .. B.4.  In this section we provide the detailed survey, in the form of Work-Packages, of the work planned during the first 18 months of the project.


The history of the CARiMan NoE explains how its main characteristics were defined. The first step toward the NoE CARiMan was initiated on the beginning of 2002 by the Call for the Expressions of Interest for the 6th Frame Programme, by the European Commission. ICS, a really small enterprise in the German "Neue Länder", recognised the chance for international cooperation and further development of innovative methods in real time recognition of signals, such as EEG, ECG eye-blink, acceleration, sound, natural speech, video, and other noisy signals. Thus, it designed an Expressions of Interest in related fields:

NoE: CAEPS - Computer Aided Environment Protection System

NoE: PatiMon - Patient Monitoring

IP: RecoPhone - Recognition of Phonemes

All these proposals were based on an innovative method for signal recognition [ICS1 / 1989, ICS2 / 1990]. The aim of this work and these proposals is the overwhelming of the problems by international cooperation with engaged and excellent scientists in Germany and Europe. These tasks are related to IST and designed in the form of JPAs described in B.4.2 Programme for jointly executed research activities of CARiMan. The Integrating activities in B4.1 have been initiated by many contacts with experts, especially in the different fields. This collaboration resulted in the applications of CARiManS in various rapidly developing fields as integrating activities.

Towards the successful and efficient implementation of these activities, we have integrated many partners in related fields, especially from the NAS. For the development of the proposal, the following time-table was designed and implemented:


Start of the development of the proposal

17th May 2003


Date of publication

17th June 2003

1. Draft  and 1. virtual conference

1th ...7th July 2003


Information Day “Improving Risk Management”

3th July 2003 Brussels


Letter of Commitment and contributions

15th July 2003

2. Draft  and 2. virtual conference

15th ...20th August 2003

Full proposal  and 2. virtual conference 

15th September 2003

Last reading and optimisation


Closure date 

 15th October 2003 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)


This project will also provide the centralisation of research and development facilities among European Countries which involves large and complex research that is centrally orchestrated while distributed over a number of research sites rather than conducted at a single site. This European co-operation will require deep involvement and innovation in science, engineering, and medicine around Europe and will provide goal oriented research, high technical competency and clear benefits. Since both the scientific disciplines and the economic sectors are included in the collaborative arrangements the efforts will be focused to common problems more efficiently. In an effort to match problem complexity with organisational breadth, institutions themselves can expand and consume ever greater resources for their own management and administration.


The work to be performed in the first 18 months towards the successful integration of the JPA is described in the following by means of specific work packages. In the first stage of development we present the integrating activities within the framework of several applications of CARiManS and the integrated research work for the development of the hardware, software and communications aspects of CARiManS. In a second stage, the CARiManS Teaching Systems (CATS) assumes the mission to transfer the research achievements into real world practice. The teaching systems will be designed for  professionals at different levels and for users. In an early stage of the project, the knowledge will be distributed and exploited. Conferences, meetings and workshops will be organised in order to introduce the system in exploitation in all European countries. The management activities will overview the efficient delivery of work within the CARiMan project.


Activities foreseen by the network have been detailed in section B.4 (Joint Programme of Activities of the whole duration of the project). Each of these activities is objective oriented, and aimed to bring its contribution to the long-terms objectives of the CARiMan network. For the first 18 months of the project, CARiMan partners decide to define a set of well-defined tasks, each of them contributing to one or several of the activities described in section B.4. The option to define well-structured tasks with precise ambition and goals has been chosen, rather than to define large-scale tasks including a lot of activities with fuzzy objectives. These tasks are called "workpackages" in the following.

Defining limited-scope well-defined WPs has two main consequences:

1.      The number of WPs considered by the network is important (more than 40 including administration). This could be considered as a too ambitious objective, not in agreement with the foreseen joint effort. However, it must be reminded that each WP is of limited scope, and consequently of limited effort. Moreover the partners strongly believe that a finer division of the work into WPs from the beginning of the network activities (i.e. the writing of this proposal) helps to clearly define everyone's job, the corresponding effort (in funding and man-months), and the respective responsibilities.


2.      Another advantage of the "fine-division" approach is that the work being clearly defined, deliverables and milestones are easy to identify, leading to an easy evaluation of the work after one year or 18 months. This will help both the consortium to plan its further activities, and the European Commission to evaluate the work done. The fine division also leads to a large number of deliverables, but again each of them is limited in effort. A particular attention has been devoted to the definition of deliverables after 12 months, leading to a possible evaluation of the activities (both by the network and by the EC) before having to consider the next phase of the JPA.

As outlined in Section B.4. (Figure B.4.1) the project focuses on a technological platform to be applied on different application areas. WPs related to technical platform (Jointly Executed Research Activities) reflect the need of integration of IT expertise towards the development of an efficient product. WPs related to application (Integrating Activities) aim to integrate the methodologies needed in the different areas, their differences and commonalities and pore the way for adapting their need into the technical platform. 





Centers of Excellence
