Network of Excellence


 The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence



D5: Advanced Training System for Emergency Management


Responsible: AUT

Assistance: all partners



To create a virtual simulator for training Civil Protection agents. This will help to test the emergency management prototype to create scenarios for different types of hazards and at the same time to train the operational personnel to use a system that only occasionally (hopefully) will be used in practice.


Technological or natural disasters, although they may be of low frequency, may cause wide-spread damages. To cope with such hazards involves a large number of people ranging from technicians, firemen, health people who must respond in the shortest time. Having all these people well integrated and prepared to act requires appropriate and frequent training. The simulator to be created will have the capacity to generate scenarios for the risk areas as well as for the response actions. The approach to be followed may be based on the intelligent agent paradigm. The multi-agents will simulate the complex behaviour of all actors in an emergency situation: technicians, civil protection agents, defence forces, health professionals, etc.


In CARiMan training is considered as communication between two parts. Thus, we will examine two kind of Communications: Communication between Risk Manager – Risk Manager / student and Communication CARiManS - CARiManS for knowledge transfer


Communication Risk Manager – Risk Manager / student

This part of CARiManS aims to spread high level knowledge among risk management professionals, to increase the European common level of expertise, and (if possible) to set up new practices of web collaboration among risk managers, students, researchers in analysing, evaluating and taking decisions about monitored systems, while respecting privacy policies and trusting everyone’s confidence in new technologies instruments.

            Through CARiMan the following objectives will be accomplished:


Communication CARiManS - CARiManS for knowledge transfer


The following objectives will be accomplished after the successful implementation of CARiMan: 

Effective use of peer to peer concepts to solve complex data management problem with quality of service assurances.





Centers of Excellence
