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Dr. Ulrich Bieker
PRO DV Software AG
Hauert 6
44227 Dortmund

Phone: +49-231-9792-326

FAX: +49-231-9792-200


Description of the organisation PRO DV Software AG


PRO DV is a leading software and consulting company for process-oriented business applications and Geo Solutions. Our main customers come from industries and telecommunications as well as from government. Our solutions provide our customers with more efficient working processes, reduced operating cost and a higher quality of service for their customers at the same time - in other words: the key factors that are decisive in remaining competitive in today's world.


PRO DV was founded in 1979. Today we employ about 200 employees at different sites (Dortmund, Dresden, Cologne and Nuernberg) in our business segments "Business Process Optimisation", "Spatial Resource Management" and "Internet-based Customer Services". Our quality management system is certified for compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.


PRO DV has performed the conception and realization of the German Precautionary Emergency Information System II. The customer is the Federal Republic of Germany. The objective of the project and the software is: In the event of a large-scale hazardous situation, it is of particular importance that the information which is decisive for this contingency can be conveyed quickly and the individual coordination centres made available. Only then is the precise execution of aid measures possible and for this reason, a geo information system had to be developed which contains large quantities of

·        map material,

·        various technical data,

·        dynamic measured values etc.

which can be provided to the centres efficiently and conveniently online.


PRO DV has a lot of experiences with EU founded projects. One example: In order to improve the Requirements Engineering process, PRO DV was a member as SME in the EU founded project REDEST (


PRO DV Software AG is a member of 1. BITKOM Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e.V., 2. NIK (Nürnberger Initiative für die Kommunikationswirtschaft), 3. membership in D21 initiative, and 4. Call Center Forum Deutschland e.V. .


Contribution to the project CARiMan / exploitation route:


As mentioned above, PRO DV implemented the German Precautionary Emergency Information System. We aim at a significant improvement of the technology in order to improve risk management, traceability and demands of governments / administrative authorities. This research and innovation will contribute to risk management (e.g. flood or fire emergencies) and will increase PRO DV competitiveness in the market.


CV of Dr. rer. nat. Dipl. Inform. Ulrich Bieker: 38 years old, working since 1996 in the department of environment and forestry at PRO DV Software AG. He is the project manager of the project FOKUS, which incorporates more than 50 years of development effort. His main scope of activities are the fields of software development, development process improvement (at PRO DV), software testing, business process optimisation and project management. Already acting as project manager of an ESSI Process Improvement Experiment at PRO DV (i.e. ITEM, project on test process improvement) and as project manager of the EU funded project REDEST concerned with Requirements Engineering. Until 1995 researcher at the department of computer engineering, University of Dortmund, written his Ph. D. in computer science, thesis on self-test programs for VLSI processors. Author and co-author of around 10 papers on software testing topics.


Publications (Partial List)


2/1996             U. Bieker, A. Neumann. Using Logic Programming and Coroutining for Electronic CAD. The Journal of Logic Programming.

12/1995           U. Bieker. Retargierbare Compilierung von Selbsttestprogrammen digitaler Prozessoren mittels Constraint-logischer Programmierung. Dissertation, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, ISBN 3-8625-10925.

6/1995 U. Bieker, P. Marwedel. Retargetable Self-Test Program Generation Using Constraint Logic Programming. 32nd Design Automation Conference, San Francisco.




Purpose of the Order: The conception and realization of the German Precautionary Emergency Information System II.



The Federal Republic of Germany
represented by the
Federal Ministry of the Interior
represented by the
President of the Federal Administrative Office


In the event of a large-scale hazardous situation, it is of particular importance that the information which is decisive for this contingency can be conveyed quickly and the individual coordination centres made available. Only then is the precise execution of aid measures possible and for this reason, a geo information system had to be developed which contains large quantities of

·        map material,

·        various technical data,

·        dynamic measured values etc.

which can be provided to the centres efficiently and conveniently online.


Scope of Performance

The project can essentially be subdivided into four phases, during which the following performances were effected among others:

1.      Conception
Development of specialized, technical and safety concepts.

2.      Realization
Development of a prototype and the overall system.

3.      Provision
Installation, configuration and commissioning.

4.      Training
Introduction to ArcGIS and deNIS II.


Project Result

As a result, an overall system was created which can be split up into four parts:

o        A so-called web client was implemented as a client. This is based on a Java control applet which is started in an internet browser and offers the user the various information sources, map material etc. for selection in the simplest possible manner. In this way, resources (hospitals, ...), potential risk sources (atomic power stations, ...), measured values and the like can be superimposed onto the updated map inset. The key component of the display is a contingency layer for visualizing the current hazardous situation, such as a chemical cloud, which is prepared ad hoc by the coordination centre and displayed automatically be the web clients. In addition to this, the other features include an internal communication function for the secure transmission of messages within the system, and an Info Manager for accessing all databases.

o        The server was set up as a Java Servlet and it combines the entire business logic within itself.

o        The data is processed and made available within the system by means of specially developed Java applications.

The essential basic components of the system are the PRO DV PROconn System on the one hand, which consists of an applet and servlet as the basis of the above-mentioned components, as well as the ERSI components ArcIMS, ArcSDE and ArcGIS, and the Oracle RDBMS.


Performance of Tasks

In close coordination with the customer, three concepts were realized in the first project phase.

Realization took place at the PRO DV Software AG location in Dortmund. The following technologies were used:

·        Server operating system:          SUN Solaris 5.8, Windows 2000

·        Client operating system:           Windows 2000

·        Client software:                       Internet Explorer

·        Web server:                            Apache 1.2.6, tomcat 3.2.4

·        Database:                               Oracle 9.2

·        GIS Software:                         ArcIMS 4.01, ArcSDE 8.2, ArcGIS 8.2

·        GIS Framework:                     PRO DV PROconn

·        Programming languages:           Java, JavaServerPages, HTML

·        Tools:                                      Oracle JDeveloper 3.2


The installation of the ESRI software and deNIS II components onto the customer’s laptops, PCs and SUN E10000 system was done by PRO DV Software AG.


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