ICS Dr. G. Roscher GmbH

Sensorik for Signal Acquisition








Sensorik for Signal Acquisition

Acquisition of Biological Signals in Highest Precision


An important aspect of signal processing is signal reception. The quality of measured results is primarily determined by where they are taken. The correctness, accuracy and usefulness of measurements taken depend mainly upon conditions prevailing at the measurement site.

In our equipment a sensor is located at the instrument/object interface. Its purpose is to convert readings into electrical signals, which are then fed into a second unit to be digitally processed. Thus, if a sensor is to be considered for use as the input device in a metering system, its construction, function and the options it offers are of decisive importance.

A sensor should produce the least possible measurement error, minimal rebound effect upon the object measured and the exact conversion of physical measurements into a signal that can more easily be processed. Furthermore, it is important to be familiar with source parameters in order better to adapt results to later processing phases.

We use and produce leading sensors and has extensive experience in the capture of biological signals, for example EEG, ECG, eye-blink, pulse waves, temperature, movement, acceleration, etc.


Our Offer:


·        Assessment of user's data requirements.

·        Assessment and design of system for measurement capture, preparation and processing.

·        Development of optimal amplifier from data requirements.

·        Multi-channel data recording.

·        Development of mobile signal capture systems.

·        Development of special processors for the conversion of data.

·        Complex measurement processing using high performance computer technology.

·        User-friendly data presentation using graphic interfaces.







