ICS Dr. G. Roscher GmbH

Amplification System








Amplification System

Amplifier Systems with Highest Precision


The powerful computer technology we use permits EEG signals to be digitally recorded in real time.  This makes it possible to evaluate the EEG amplitude and time at a higher resolution, which puts new demands on the amplifier. In order to maintain accuracy it is necessary to remain below the normal body noises and to possess a high degree of common mode rejection. Our battery driven amplification modules are characterised by good common mode rejection, low offset, drift and extremely low noise. Calibration and impedance measurements are standard in the equipment whilst amplification system parameters (channel number, amplification, scan rate, higher and lower frequency barrier) can be fitted to specific requirements.


Our Offer:


Application Class                     BF

Passed as                                IEC 601-1:1988 and IEC 601-2-26, EN 60601-1:1990

No. of EEG-Channels              10-20-System with 19 Channels and additional channels

Special Channels                     6

Power Control Range DC        * 100 mV

Power Control Range AC        * 250 µV

Band Width                             80 Hz

Noise levels                             300 nV over 80 Hz bandwidth

Common mode rejection.         > 90 dB

Filter    High pass                     0.5 Hz

            Low pass                     4. order Butterworth filter 80 Hz

Calibrating signal                      Frequency                               10 Hz

                                               Amplitude                                100 µV * 5%

Impedance measurement          Range                                      0 - 15 kOhm

                                               Precision                                 10 % v.E.

Interface                                  Number of channels                 32

                                               Resolution                               12 / 16 Bit,

24 Bit under development

                                               sampling rate                           max. 1,25 MHz

                                               optical output                          10 Mbaud







