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UI: User interface

Responsible: CSVR

Assistance: HP, Panto  all partners 

The Communication between Risk Manager - CARiManS (C1) and Monitored system – Risk manager (C2 through the UI) for acquisition of the knowledge of experts is primarily based on the notion of virtual reality. There are two fundamental areas of design to be considered, namely 1) in relation among Research – Experiment – Development – scientific Application and technological Use of Virtual Reality, and 2) in the relation among Costs, Benefits, Utility, Product, Results and Technology in Virtual Reality. The potential impact of employing such systems is summarized in the following points:

·        “multidisciplinary dialogue” and demonstration of solutions put forward for cable and cable-free connections on the interfaces and various sensors used;

·        enhance the development of systems based on the concept of “environment intelligence” in order to establish effective processes, networks and instruments suited to the needs and potentials of subjects both in VR trials and in post-VR activities, in the areas of research, development and adaptation of the technology experimented with the objectives of 1 and 2.

·        research with the development of knowledge and reliable, adaptable products making VR a globally valid support for subjects, simplifying and facilitating feedback, enhancing the data and computer and electronic procedures applied to VR and modified to meet the particular needs of individuals with difficulties, concretely applicable to Risk Management Services responding to the needs of the subject as identified by VR;

·        realisation of facilitating and effective systems of access, communication and use of the Virtual Reality technology/methodology on VR stations, and in the Health Services;

·        Realisation of intelligent environment instruments-systems, facilitating connection, interaction, participation, presence, perception and manipulation of total and/or partial immersion virtual worlds and environments.


Based on these concepts, the Communication Risk Manager - CARiManS for acquisition of the knowledge of experts will be designed with the following structure.


There are several applications and monitored systems (e.g. natural disasters, health monitoring, traffic accidents, etc) that need special devices for monitoring and diagnosing that can understand and communicate potential or real dangerous situations to the monitored system and the risk manager. The system is based on knowledge incorporated from risk managers, i.e. on knowledge acquisition. On this base, communication between the monitored system and the risk manager is natural, in terms and concepts humans and the intelligent system understand. However, frequently observed problems are the information redundancy and patchiness in the primary databases as well as heterogeneity of data formatting. These facts presume application of methods for linguistically determined and processed knowledge, which in fact is a basis for implementation of the intelligent (soft computing) methods and particularly fuzzy, rough and neural network modeling algorithms. By means of these algorithms the subjective information received from the risk managers will be implemented in the Data Base and Knowledge Management System. As a base of such a system the Metagen Data Base can be used. A frequently observed problem is the information redundancy and patchiness in the primary databases as well as heterogeneity of data formatting. Therefore in order to obtain good communication risk manager - CARiManS for acquisition of the knowledge of experts we propose investigation and implementation of techniques based on modern web-based machine-to-machine XML technologies. The idea is to combine two or more XML standards for representation and MathML for manipulation and computation. The research will be also focused on the access to the information in CARiManS using mobile devices. In relation with these aims we should like to design and implement human-machine interface, based on soft computing (fuzzy, neural nets, hidden Markov models, evolutionary) technologies as well as wireless and mobile technologies, i.e. access to the information in CARiManS using mobile devices.  Appropriate tests will be made to check the efficiency of the methods. Also, one of the main directions in risk management related to the communication between the monitored system and risk manager is the adequate image and signal processing and feature extraction. The aim is to develop and test techniques for image and signal processing based on novel morphological / wavelet techniques and pyramidal representation in order to obtain efficient database storage and data extraction. This is absolutely necessary since monitored system image data files are quite big and more often it is practically impossible to store and retrieve online the   information about   monitored system history. Here the web-based XML technologies will be exploited as well as soft computing methods for data representation and motion control. The aim is the risk managers to be able to observe distantly the operation done in other place in order perform direct control to the management procedure, or to advise the team doing the operation on-line. The above objectives and system development methods are summarized in the WP 1 and WP 2.


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