Network of Excellence


 The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence




Dy: Risk factors in dyslexia


Responsible: NIEB

Assistants: ICS, CSVR, Info, TUS, TUC, AGH, MIRA, PRO, SMU,  MIS


Developmental Dyslexia (DD) is defined as unexpected failure to learn to read. Today DD constitutes one of the most common childhood disabilities as 3 - 15% of the population from diverse cultures and countries have reading problems of that type. As literacy underpins education, DD creates serious social problems. In childhood, DD undermines process of education and results in numerous emotional, social and school difficulties. Moreover, it prevents the recognition of individual talents. In adults, reading disability has a pronounced impact on employment and financial well-being. The personal and societal costs of these reading problems are, thus, enormous.


Despite growing number of research reports showing a wide spectrum of neurological deficits that are found in dyslexics, these deficits remain undetected until a child starts his/her school education and develops a spectrum of serious dyslexic problems. Important body of knowledge and new techniques are currently available that would help to select pre-school children who are at-risk of reading failure. The proposed JPA focuses on identifying and integrating modern computer-aided techniques that would enable the recognition of risk factors for dyslexia. Early intervention in children at risk for reading problems might reduce the number of those who need extensive, long lasting and cost consuming training and remediation in later ages.


We propose a multi-modal collaborative approach – one that involves neuroscientists and high specialist in advanced technologies working together to elaborate new techniques targeted at early recognition of dyslexia. Combining methodological innovations with advanced knowledge on brain function constitutes a new strategy to meet the challenge of cooping with dyslexia.





Centers of Excellence
