Network of Excellence


 The Internet Portal for Computer Aided Risk Management




Centers of Excellence



SA: System Architecture  

Responsible: CST & QUB & PRO &  LNEC  

Assistance: ICS, MIS, PdM , Info, HUn ,TUC, CEFIN, UNIMI, AGH, HP, all partners


The specific Objectives of this activity are:


o       CaRiManS–CaRiManS Communication network should be web based, scalable, platform independent and easy to use. Thus, access and interconnectivity from any EU region will be achieved;

o       Consistency throughout the CaRiManS network,

o       Provide services from a CARiManS peer group prospective so that failures of individual CaRiManS peers do not affect the service availability.

o       Clients accessing the databases are free from the database system being used and data formats as they send queries and receive responses..

o       Automatic load balancing as every CaRiManS peer service only responds when it is in position to service the request.

o       Need for minimum service monitoring, as peers provide a soft state update for availability and inform monitoring CaRiManS peer if they are overloaded so that new peer services can be started.

o       Provision of digitally signed mobile code for starting new CaRiManS peer services available in the group context thus ensuring security.

o       Formation of self-organizing CARiManS peer groups with adaptive and highly available characteristics.

o       Effective use of peer to peer concepts to solve complex data management problem with quality of service assurances.


The detailed CARiManS (Fig. SA-1) is based on the following assumptions:


a.                                     The data model is preserved as the basic architectural element and the activities were split as shown at all layers (data layer, information layer, knowledge layer and wisdom layer), where upper 3 layer provide the CARiManS backbone.

b.                                    CARiMan is basically a network (grid) of CARiManS, geographically distributed and interconnected via available communication infrastructures.

3.   The basic architecture of CARiManS consists of four layers: data layer, information layer, knowledge layer and wisdom layer.

4.   At data layer CARiManS has specific plug-ins (all Integrated Activities), each plug-in will be designed and developed independently as specified in the Integrating Activities. Actually such a plug-in represents an instantiation of CaRiManS for different areas.

5.   Each can function independently or plugged into CaRiManS backbone.

6.   The interface task SA has been split to provide the interface at different abstraction levels. These interfaces have to be defined as XML templates, as well as communication protocols to be followed by all CaRiManS development groups.


Many interconnection technologies will be researched during CaRiManS development stages. A peer-to-peer interconnection architecture such as JXTA is suggested for CaRiManS-CaRiManS communications as a possible solution. This solution implies a set of open protocols that allow any connected device on the network ranging from cell phones and wireless PDA’s to PC’s and CaRiManS servers to communicate and collaborate in a P2P manner. The basic idea is to create a virtual network where any peer can interact with other peers and resources directly even when some of the peers and resources are behind firewalls and NATs or are on different network transports.



Fig SA-1 CaRiManS- CaRiManS Architecture


It seems that based on this approach we have different levels of communication between CARiManS. This happens because we might have communication needs at the data layer such as CARiManS databases replication or mirroring. On the data layer, all the relevant signal waves recorded by the sensors hosts will be stored after Analog Signal Conditioning and Conversion. There will be a signal processing and recognition and evaluation process as a part of the ETM (Extract-Transform-Migrate) process and the most relevant patterns will be stored in the CARiManS Database. At the CARiManS Database level, all the data will be aggregated and all CARiManS will load the most relevant patterns in the data warehouse for further use. Most probably there will be also some data consolidation with other sources like and all the data needed to parse the aggregated data, is stored in the Metadata & Metamodel Repositories. That is why all the relevant patterns and their metadata should be updated via a broadcast strategy to all CARiManS in the network, so that different CARiManS used for risk management in EU area will use the same signal patterns stored in the grid databases. More than that based on the signal processing a couple of aggregated figures can be stored and used for certain statistics in the next level, which is the Knowledge layer.   The Knowledge layer takes profit of all the new technologies regarding business intelligence and advanced reporting so that comprehensive reports might be developed.

Moreover via data mining techniques predictive reports should be able to be developed so that a certain prediction regarding the risk situations occurrence should be done. In case of real time monitoring the signal pattern from a sensor will be compared against a signal pattern in the data warehouse and a notification on different communication channels will be issued in case of an emergency intervention request. We might have communication needs at the information layer so that the aggregated data and corresponding metadata will be updated between different CARiManS so that all can benefit by a common set of signal patterns templates. At the Knowledge layer certain statistics might be published so that all other CARiManS take profit of the knowledge gathered by one of them or a group. The data mining techniques might be used to develop statistics on risk situations per geographic areas, and so on. All these, will be handled on wisdom layer.


Fig SA-2 presents a detailed architecture of CARiManS – CARiManS communication. It consists of four components SA.0, SA.1, SA.2, SA.3.


SA.0 encapsulates minimal and essential primitives that are common to SA -P2P. SA.1 through SA.3 includes each of them two basic layers: the CARiManS services and CARiManS applications. The services layer includes network services that may not be absolutely necessary for a P2P network to operate, but are common or desirable in the P2P environment. Examples of network services include searching and indexing, directory, storage systems, file sharing, distributed file systems, resource aggregation and renting, protocol translation, authentication, and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) services. CARiManS Applications includes implementation of integrated applications, such as P2P instant messaging, document and resource sharing, entertainment content management and delivery, P2P Email systems, distributed auction systems, and many others. The boundary between services and applications is not rigid. An application to one customer can be viewed as a service to another customer. The entire system is designed to be modular, allowing developers to pick and choose a collection of services and applications that suits their needs.




Fig SA-2 CARiManS Detailed Architecture of SA



We expect that on the upper three layers a rather small data volume is exchanged between CARiManS. No real time but data base information is the subject of communication. We think that Internet has enough speed and bandwidth to accommodate these data transfers. The real time data transfer takes place on the lower communication layer SA.0. At this layer we need QoS and a greater transmission speed. On all layers we intend to build the CARiManS-CARiManS communication architecture based on TCP/IP. We see no problems for these protocols to provide any available speed over the Internet or high speed Intranet infrastructure. 


SA.1 and SA2. are mainly accessing remote databases and are searching for specific data. In fact the main difference between the two layers is data aggregation. A number of approaches for performing such operation exist ranging from holding a remote database handle to having sophisticated web services providing a useful database access layer. It is always desirable to free the applications and users from low-level details of accessing the databases and provide a suitable level of fault tolerance and recovery. Redundant and loosely coupled nature of peer-to-peer networks can be utilized to provide a data access facility with self-healing characteristic to achieve fault tolerance and availability, load balancing and adaptation strategies can be used to achieve performance. Efficient cashing strategies at individual peer can help in optimising the data access. Services are bound to logical endpoints, which help in migration of the service implementation from one peer to another without affecting the availability; it also helps in situation where a service implementation may fail or temporary become unavailable.


SA.3 is dealing, in addition to remote databases access, also with Intelligent Agents communication frameworks such as those proposed within FIPA. More precisely, we aim to employ some standard technologies recommended by FIPA, like JADE, for developing intelligent agents in order to evaluate their applicability for CARiManS and, in general, for risk management applications. At this layer we will also define a set of common ontologies on which the peers must agree in order to allow knowledge exchange in an open environment, as the grid of CARiManS is. A set of standard technologies to define ontologies will be evaluated, including for example RDF and RDF Schema.





Centers of Excellence
